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Eliza Wren ~ 6-8 Months

April 19, 2020

SO much has changed in the last few months. Eliza is getting past the hump of being a baby and headed towards toddlerhood fast!

6 Months

15 lbs 9 oz (42%)

26.75 inches (79%)

The busyness of mobility began this month with Eliza learning to army crawl. It’s funny how you begin to see defining parts of their personality once they start moving. It has been so fun to see what she is most interested in. She is a very inquisitive little one and is happy to move away from me but not happy for me to move away from her. đŸ˜‰ She also officially started solids this month. She definitely LOVES to eat and gets very excited when we put her in the highchair. Her top two teeth have cut through and she looks adorable but I do already miss those gummy grins! She also has the sweetest little waves and can say mama but says dada most of the time. Eliza is the happiest baby, and the big family event this month was papa’s hip surgery. She tagged along with me as I stayed with him for the first few days and she lifted his spirits with her smiles along with all of the Doctor’s and nurses!

7 Months

16 lbs 4 oz

This month Eliza cut 4 more teeth and solidified the milestones she began last month like crawling and eating solids. She is still army crawling but has figured out how to scootch around quite quickly! She is now pulling up on things and I am thinking we might have an early walker?? This month we added a boy to our family. A boy puppy, that is. Theodore ‘AKA’ Teddy and Eliza will grow up together and hopefully (if all goes well) will grow up to be old friends. We also celebrated Audrey’s 8th Birthday and right when we got home from her birthday weekend at her grandparents we found out that school was cancelled indefinitely due to the Coronavirus. History is in the making with this worldwide pandemic and hopefully Eliza will never remember the panic that it spread.

8 Months

18 pounds 4 ounces  (She grew a lot this month if our home scale is correct and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is by the looks of it – just look at those chunky thighs.)

This month Eliza has finally mastered crawling on her knees. We have been outside a lot more due to the stay at home order and she discovered her knees on our nice green grass in the backyard. She is getting around EVERYWHERE now and everything goes in her mouth. She is keeping mommy very busy, especially with the bigger girls having small toys all over the place. She thinks she’s a big girl and constantly tries to play with the barbies. I do my best to keep the floor cleaned up and the girls door closed, but man does it present a challenge! She pulls up on anything she can find and smiles so proud of herself!  She also cut another tooth this month and now has 7 teeth and is working on the 8th! She still loves to jump in her jumper, loooves her sisters and now finds it entertaining to crawl over them when they are on the ground with her. She is still waving and just starting to figure out how to clap. She thinks it is funny to stand up in her highchair and it is hard to keep her contained there. Car rides have gotten much easier now that she can be entertained by her big sisters and be distracted with new toys. She loves swinging at the playground, trying new foods, blowing raspberries (while eating), being laughed at, and carrying things around in her mouth just like her puppy brother. Thanks to the 8 month sleep regression, sleep has been a challenge this month, nap times in the crib have been the biggest struggle and I have not found much alone time between failed naps and big sister being home. It’s been a crazy month figuring out a new way to do life as I’m sure it has for everyone else. On top of the COVID 19 struggles, we will be moving to Georgia within the week ( blog post to come on that one) so we are dealing with just a little extra crazy in our life. Things will get back to normal someday right!? Even though times have been a little extra lately, we are still loving watching Eliza grow as much as ever and she brings us much needed smiles on the days that are just a bit more grey than usual.







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